SALEM -- "I have a lot of drive and determination, and I know myself," said Riley Weber, horticulture major at KSU.

After putting in his first year and a half of general studies in at Ames College in Greeley, he made the decision to commit himself to horticulture studies so that he can start his own landscape design and maintenance company and "be his own boss." A Bachelor of Biological Science in Horticulture with an emphasis on management will make his dream possible.
Weber chose Kent State because he wanted to go to a university with a prominent horticulture program, but it had to be within his price range, and he wanted to go somewheere different than the ones near him in his home state. He is a Buckeyes fan, but after visiting the campus with his parents, found that the cost of tuition is over his head. KSU is much more affordable and he liked the personality of the small campus. "Everyone I've met has been supernice and helpful," he said.
He grew up on a corn and onion farm, so he likes being outside and working hard. A future in landscaping design and maintenance will allow him to continue in the atmosphere he loves.
The classes he takes now are preparing him for the bidding and design process. Savy skills will help him build his customer base; he will then encourage them to get on board with a blanket contract for upkeep. He will eventually furnish any type of material or labor the customer desires.
"I love making landscapes beautiful and enjoying the end result," he said.