Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New campus security measures for fall '08

by Heather Burnham
EAST LIVERPOOL -- According to Lynette Rawlings, director of the Justice Studies program and chair of the Campus Safety and Security Committee, the Kent State East Liverpool Campus has made several changes in its security plan for the 2008-2009 academic year.

The committee began its work back in March by reviewing and updating the Campus Emergency Guide. Since that time, it has moved forward to implement necessary changes in the overall security plan, Rawlings said.

Some of the changes are:

--Updated emergency exit routes are now posted beside the door in every campus classroom. Students and instructors should become familiar with the exit routes for each room they use.

--Two building evacuation drills are scheduled for fall semester. For the Main building the YMCA parking lot and the adjacent campus lots along Walnut Street will be the gathering points; for the Mary Patterson building, students will meet across Fourth Street on the Alumni Clocktower lawn.

--The campus has added extra evening security personnel to patrol the buildings and parking lots. As well, a receptionist is now on duty in both the Mary Pat and Main buildings after 5 p.m. to provide a “go-to” person should problems arise during evening hours. The receptionist is in contact with campus security and can call 9-1-1 if necessary. Students who desire an evening escort on campus can make that request at the front desks of either building.

--All campus telephones are now 9-1-1 accessible, and anyone can make a call for emergency assistance by merely picking up a phone and dialing 9-1-1.

--Building hours also have changed. In both classroom buildings, hours are 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Friday and Saturday the buildings will open at 7 a.m., but the closing time will depend on when the last class ends.

--Near the end of fall semester, a key-card system is to be installed for side and rear door entry in both buildings. Once that system is installed, access to buildings after 5 p.m. will be limited to front doors only (Fourth Street entrances) for those without cards. Eastern Flash will have more information on that system once it is installed.

When asked why these changes were necessary, Rawlings said: “In order to reduce the element of crime you have to limit access to the buildings. All students should use judgment and gut instinct. If you go to your car and there is a creepy, suspicious person there, call the police and vacate the area.”

She went on to stress the importance of everyone—student, faculty and staff—working together to make our a more secure environment.

For general information on the campus emergency guide go to and click the “emergency guide” tab at the bottom of the page, or go straight to the guide by clicking here.
