Thursday, September 4, 2008

Golden and Guy appointed as interim deans

By Bethany Gadd
EAST LIVERPOOL - With the recent departure of the former Assistant Dean, Richard Wiscott, Columbiana County Kent State Dean Jeff Nolte took the opportunity to restructure the position by dividing it in two. Serving as interim deans are Prof. Shawn Golden and Dave Guy.

Since their appointment in July, both Golden's and Guy’s plates have been full. With the new school year quickly approaching, they joined forces to finalize the fall schedule. Working together, they were able to achieve that goal in a short period of time.

Golden now serves as Interim Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs; however, even with all of his new responsibilities, Golden still fullfills his previous job as a computer technology professor at KSU. Some of his new responsibilities include: scheduling of courses, dealing with the academic issues of faculty, learning various programs on campus, and handling any situation that could arise is the realm of academic affairs.

Serving as interim dean of academic affairs is Dave Guy, whose responsibilities include enrollment management, student disabilities, and the academic center. Before taking on the shared responsibilities of interim Assistant Dean, Guy was head of the campus Academic Center and Office of Student Disabilities.

Guy is committed to doing the best job he can for both the students and faculty. He mentioned that it was an ongoing process and things don’t just happen overnight.

Golden said, “It’s very different from what I’m used to doing. It’s been a challenge, and so many have helped me make this a workable situation.”

Although the future remains unclear regarding permanent appointments, both Guy and Golden expressed appreciation for one another in this somewhat stressful transition. Both were very appreciative of the cooperation they received from both students and faculty members. It is easy to see that both of them are combining their efforts to make sure their performance as interim deans is seamless and exceptional.

Ultimately, it’s Nolte's decision who will eventually fill the position for the long term. However, for the present time, both Golden and Guy said they have enjoyed the time they have spent in the temporary position.
