Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Updated site unifies campuses with sharper image

By Melody Gustafson
COLUMBIANA COUNTY -- The formerly separate websites for the Salem and East Liverpool campuses have now been combined into an aesthetically different solo site with updated menu options and information.

All regional campuses have to follow the Kent template according to Moneeka Gordon, computer technician at KSU-EL, and this new layout "went live" for Columbiana County's campuses and KSU-Geauga Mar. 11.

The new look is more visual, which follows trends in web design-- brighter color and more movement. Gordon pointed out the fantastic billboard photos of local students and faculty that head the tops of all the landing pages.

Gordon said she customized the drop-down menus so that options that are more relevant to regional campus life are handy. For instance, the Kent model supplies tab links for athletics, but as no athletic program exists here, the Columbiana County page has one for Workforce Development instead.

Gordon described the new page's ease in navigation: "No matter which page you are on, you can navigate to the homepage by clicking on the Columbiana icon, or as you get deeper into a page you can navigate back to the main section by clicking the subsite name at the top [Gold Bar]."

The old page will fall away into the cyberbyss of useless material; it will eventually be eliminated and become inaccessible with the shutting down of the server that supplied it.

Gordon also mentioned that she created a "News and Events" tab in what was formerly the "For the Media" tab and there is a link to Eastern Flash there.
