Saturday, April 24, 2010

Odds and Ends

EAST LIVERPOOL -- Karen Vincent will recieve an achievement award from the Business Management and Related Technologies (BMRT) program on May 6, and it will be on display on the Wall of Fame in the Main Building. She is not only a successful student, but works hard full time to ensure cleanliness at the Mary Patterson Building.

On May 29, there will be a student art display at the Mary Patterson Gallery on the second floor. It is open to the public. Pictured right are James Yarwood, Laura Crowell and Professor Babb.

On Wednesday, April 28, KSU-EL communications professor Dr. Carole A. Barbato is presenting " May 4, 1970 - May 4, 2010 Remember the Past, Shape the Future." It will be in the Blair Memorial Library in the Main Building at noon. Her presentation is the first of several upcoming events documenting the Kent State shootings, 40 years later. Dr. Barbato is a local expert on the subject and was attending class at KSU the day the shooting occurred. She is also a key figure in the soon-to-open Kent State May 4 Visitor Center and walking tour at the main campus. For a schedule of the official KSU events pertaining to these openings and anniversary ceremonies, contact the office of Institutional Advancement at 330-672-2222. Pictured left, from left, Laura Davis, Alan Canfora, shooting victim, and Dr. Barbato at the scene of the shootings. Photos and text by Mike Canaday.
