Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sierra Club meets with citizens about Industry and Pollution

By Melody Gustafson
EAST PALESTINE -- Nachy Kanfer of the Sierra Club met Tuesday with about 10 residents as well as City Manager Gary Clark and council member John Herbert to discuss a proposed synthetic-fuel plant that Baard Energy wants to build near Wellsville.

Information provided by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)claims that the facility will release 12.4 million tons of carbon dioxide into the air yearly. Combined with the use of fuel produced by the facility, the "total carbon footprint for the Baard Plant could be as much 26.59 million tons per year."

The concerns of the East Palestine residents fell in line with the literature provided at the meeting. Attendees mentioned the effects of carbon dioxide poisoning on children who already suffer the burden of soot and smog in the air from existing waste incinerators nearby. According to the NRDC Fact Sheet, "The residents of Columbiana and Jefferson Counties should not be subjected to another major source of air pollution."

Others expressed a distrust that Baard hasn't been entirely honest with the community about the economic risks of the plant and financial status of the Columbiana County Port Authority. Some people fear that this project may become a mere speculation that will never be realized after taxpayer dollars are invested in this job creation. Another contended that the fuel emits so much carbon that the federal government is prohibited by law to buy it, thus nullifying any possible federal contract for the fuel.

The purpose of the national Sierra Club is "to explore, enjoy and protect the planet. The club also works in coordination with national labor unions such as the United Steelworkers to form a powerful force for bringing green jobs to Ohio and to support a new energy economy," said Kanfer.

To obtain information from Kanfer or to become involved in Sierra Club, go to .
