Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Salem Makes TRACKS, Too

SALEM - Today at KSU, students celebrated the new TRACKS program that began this year after a grant from Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) made it possible.

Everyone enjoyed cider and hot dogs at a mini-party that spread awareness of the new program. Students recieved free, reusable water bottles with the TRACKS logo and animal footprints on them just for coming. Containers have been placed all over the campus that accept paper, glass, aluminum cans, and all kinds of plastic.

According to Julie Morrow, student recycling officer, she and her co-worker Lindsay Miller will collect all of the discarded material from the bins and add them to recycling recepticals in the building. Afterwards, they drive the accumulated scrap to an outdoor dumpster for a specialty company to pick up weekly.

"We weigh each bag", said Morrow, "and we will add up the total amount in the spring so that we can calculate how much we are impacting the university's solid waste load and helping the environment."

Henry Trenkelbach, business manager, "We are happy to celebrate two campuses working together. We care about the students and we love to get the word out while warming up with some cider and hot chololate."
