Parking at the Kent State East Liverpool Campus. Click to enlarge.
By Melody Gustafson
EAST LIVERPOOL – Students and faculty who normally park in the KSU lot on the corner of Broadway and Fourth Streets will have to park elsewhere while the renovation of it is completed. Work begins Oct. 1.
Shawn Golden, interim assistant dean, has issued a map of parking areas that are available. There are the usual four lots that are near the YMCA and the Salvation Army. The people at the First Christian Church on the corner of College and Fourth Streets have offered to allow students to use the lot labeled “P4” on the map as well. On Walnut Street, students can utilize the lots at Quality Stamp and the university-owned former Mega Insurance building.
Drivers who choose to vie for a space on the street may be gambling on a ticket. The city’s parking enforcement official does sternly enforce the three hour limit.
The large Buckeye Online School for Success (BOSS) parking lot, formerly the Buckman Chevrolet dealership, located on Walnut between of Fifth and Sixth Streets, is an option. Anyone who wants to park there needs to obtain a permit from the KSU-EL business office. The permit is free of charge, but vehicles that do not display a permit will be towed.
“I’ve been parking in the BOSS lot myself,” Golden said. “I’ve been making adjustments and getting used to the walk. I don’t have to worry about moving my car.”