Monday, October 1, 2007

Leftover club cash up for grabs at Salem Campus

by Melody Gustafson
SALEM – According to a letter from SGO President Lucian Clewell, the Student Government Organization has reached an agreement on handling leftover funds from discontinued clubs between 2003 and 2005.

The carry-over from the defunct clubs will be lumped into a “special circumstances” account. The $1,894.98 will be available to any university recognized club; the purpose will be approved by the SGO and the business office.

In his written statement, Clewell stipulated that the “club must use the money to benefit the Kent Salem regional campus and/or the student body. It may not be used to benefit one student or one club in particular.” He added that the purpose also should benefit the community, if possible.

In other matters, Clewell requested, on behalf of the students, that the business office obtain a liquid crystal display (LCD) flat screen TV for the vending area lounge. The current projector-style TV is “quite outdated,” he wrote. Once installed, it will be connected to the satellite and DVD player.

Approval of these actions by the SGO was unanimous.
