SALEM -- On the cusp of finals week, Sarah Henry, Treasurer of Student Government Organization (SGO) has summarized the monetary balance and outlined some of the group's possible plans for Spring 2010.
Rumors about this administration beginning with a negative balance because last year's SGO overspent have been nullified by Bonnie Dominic's check of the books. Dominic is an administrative clerk in the business office with knowledge of accounting.
"After the numbers added up correctly, we had a positive balance at the start," said Henry.
Henry said that Katie Smiley and Lucian Clewell earned $50 for the club with candybar sales during the summer, and the SGO had attempted a pizza-by-the-slice fundraiser, but they decided to discontinue it because the sales volume was too low and unsold pizza day after day amounted to considerable waste. The pizza gig was over in just a few weeks, but SGO earned $234 for the general fund nevertheless.
According to President Evie Spence, the Kids' Fun Fest, which she initialized, earned some income through raffle baskets and donations, and they recvieved a cut of the book fair sales.
Henry reports that after approximately $300 of expenses for the SGO print card, office supplies
and the pizza bill, the SGO now has $589.60.
At this time it appears that no club has submitted any paperwork either to be recognized as an official club, allowing them to access to the SGO fund, or to request money.
Although far from decided, SGO has discussed an i-pod raffle as a fundraiser idea, but Henry emphasized that "it's still in the works."
The Alex Estell of the EL Council of Student Organizations (CoSO) made a statement only that the group started the year with a $0 balance and are now "in the red." Members are hopeful the university will allot them funds, according to Ensell.