Friday, November 20, 2009


By James Yarwood

When did we start
thinking that the
world worked by want?

When was need
no longer enough?

Shelter and food
streamlined to
internet connection and
Flat Screen T.V.

Why must I
live to work,
and not work
so I might live?

When did the job
start defining
the person?

Why not personality?
Knowledge maybe?
A glowing sense of irony--
an affinity for animals?

When did people
become obsolete?
Why do we sacrifice
socializing for
social-network sites?

Who has time to
sniff the flowers--
when we have
the internet instant?

Google-Earth has
digitized the planet!
The internet took
the hunt online!
Shoot and stalk via
remote and webcam
Death by mouse-click.

When was
the last time
you saw a sunset
without pixels?

When did we
grow so big and bold?
When did we forget
the meaning of hubris?
